Thursday, August 14, 2014

Well, Toto, I guess we’re not in Winters anymore

            Today July 26th, I got a letter in the mail from the City of Winters and I am PISSED. I’ve never used this column to write about the city or city staff or even local politics but today all that changes.
            The letter reads as follows:

Dear Lis, Edmund;
The City of Winters is preparing to file liens on real property that are past due on the water and sewer bills due to the City of Winters.

Currently the property located at 9 RUSSELL ST is past due in the amount of $133.41. Please forward payment to the City of Winters in full by August 1, 2014 to prevent a lien being placed on your property.
Please contact me at 530-795-4910 ext 104 if you have any questions regarding this notice.

Shelly A. Gunby
Director of Financial Management
City of Winters

            My first thought is that I missed last month’s payment or they lost it. So I went on line and looked at my banking stuff and sure enough there was the cashed check. I then checked my current bill to see if there was a previous balance and there wasn’t. The delinquent date on that bill is July 15th less than 10 days prior to the “Collection Letter” being sent out.

            So why am I pissed off? Because yes, I am late, but Lien threatening late? I don’t think so. I’ve been late before (I get paid on the 20th so don’t usually pay it till then) where a past due amount shows in the previous balance box. When that’s happened I might even get a red bordered past due reminder notice but never a threat.

            So what’s changed at city hall? I can’t imagine its Shelly. She is the nicest, number crunching, hand quilting, Harley riding, city staffer I know. Is it rubbing off from the Police department? They are getting a bit of a hard ass reputation. Maybe it’s the Neu voice on the City Council. Or what about J.D.? Is this part of his (personal or city) plan for a bigger and better future? Is it just growing pains even thought we haven’t had any growth?

            If it’s anything, it’s probably preparation for the inevitable growing pains that will come with hundreds of houses that are congregating at the entrance to the proverbial pipeline. Somewhere in the not so distant future there will be a few thousand more people sharing this community and its services with us.

Does that mean that Winters will become a not quite so small, small town? A town run by uninvolved nonresident bureaucrats and contract personnel? Is it already becoming that? Shelly the Finance Director lives in Woodland, Gene the Building Official lives in Davis, and the Fire Department is being run by out of Towner’s. Not to mention the contract lawyers, planners, and backups for staff.

All I know is that the letter really rubbed me the wrong way. And that’s my point, when did Winters become this impersonal place. I know Shelly and a lot of the people at City Hall. I’ve dealt with them over the last 10 years in many different capacities. I’ve served them coffee and wine, I’ve sat in meetings and on committees with them, and I’ve also gotten licenses and permits from them. So why the form letter? I thought Winters was better than that.

But maybe I’m just fantasizing that there ever was this small town vibe. Was I wearing rose colored glasses when I first drove over the freeway and looked up at the Gap and down to the water tower? Did I really get chocked up the first time I walked in to the house we bought here in Winters? Was I being naïve when I invested everything I had into the coffee house because that’s what Winters needed? Did I cry and feel a great loss, like a hole in the heart of Winters when Charlie Rominger and Gloria Marion died even though I just knew them as customers. Or the deep loss I felt more recently with the deaths of Leslie and Julie.

Maybe it’s like Debra recently wrote, have we lost our collective innocence? Are we becoming hard and calloused, like the hands of the farmers that made this town? Or are we just becoming like most other cities and towns in America? A loose knit group of nameless neighbors that consume the services but complain about the price.

I truly don’t think that Winters is that place, YET. But that letter makes me wonder what their thinking down at City Hall. I may not know what the powers that be are thinking but I do know what the rest of you are thinking. “Oh just shut up already and pay your water bill like everybody else!”

To view the column in it's original form go to page 16 of the following link. Winters Express 8/14/14

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