I pledge allegiance to NO thing or
place, for my allegiance lies with the Human Race, a world with no borders, no
prophets, no reasons for war, that’s what I pledge, of this I am sure.
I thought I should start this column
with an alternative pledge because if I started it by stating that I don’t like
reciting the pledge to the American flag some of you might not give me a chance
to explain.
I’ve been reciting the pledge of
allegiance since the first grade and it’s always made me feel uncomfortable. For
me the most uncomfortable part has been the “one nation under God” section.
Like many of my fellow Americans, I’ve never believed in God so to me that line
is divisive and it nullifies the concept of an “indivisible nation”.
What I see as the larger issue is
the whole concept of “Pledging Allegiance”. Isn’t that kind of antiquated? If
we look at the origin of the word, “the
fidelity owed by a subject to a sovereign”, so when was the last time you
owed a Liege or feudal lord? And for that matter when was the last time you
felt like a “subject”, isn’t that why we fought for independence from the
A more modern and useful definition
of allegiance is “loyalty or commitment to a group or cause”. As social humans
it’s natural for us to want to feel we are part of a group. Whether it’s
family, friends, work, school, sports team, ethnic group, common religion,
ancestral origin, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc, etc, etc… The
list could go on forever and it’s not just one group that we feel a part of. There
is a hierarchy to our group loyalties and in reality where does the flag and
country stand? Would you betray your family and friends if “big government”
came a calling?
To me reciting the American pledge
has always felt like indoctrination or brain washing. We are being told or are
telling ourselves that the United States is the best and yes that does makes us
feel good, but is that reality? Look around, are we an undivided electorate? Is
there equal justice for all? Do all our citizens have the liberty to live safe,
healthy, and productive lives?
Why does a mentally disturbed Black Army
War Veteran feel our country is so unjust that his only recourse is to kill
White Police Officers? And then as if to
reinforce that injustice he is summarily executed using explosives when he was
trapped and they probably could have waited him out or used less lethal means
to subdue him.
But I digress, the whole Dallas
incident has me very concerned on so many levels, but we will leave that to
another column.
Back to the pledge of allegiance and
why I’ve been reluctant to write about my feelings. The pledge is one of those
hot button issues because so many Americans recite it regularly without giving
it a second thought. I’ve always wondered why our local City Council meetings
are started with the pledge.
If you openly question the validity of the pledge the
response is commonly like back in the 60’s when if you protested the Viet Nam
War you got “America, love it or leave it” or if you questioned the government
after 911 you got “you’re either with us or against us”. To me there is nothing
more acutely American than questioning or challenging the status quo. How else
do we grow as a nation or more importantly as a society?
And that kind of brings me to my point. Isn’t it time to stop
thinking and acting so regionally? For most of us in one way or another we are
more and more becoming part of a global community. Whether we make, sell, buy,
or provide services, often we are doing business with people in other
countries. Many of us have family outside the states that we care about and
communicate with. And as Brexit just showed us what happens around the globe indeed
does affect us.
With instant global news and communications, multi-national
corporations, multi-nation trading blocs and the likes of the European Union, we
can try and deny it or fight it kicking and screaming but the truth is that we
are already living in George H.W. Bush’s “New World Order” (not the conspiracy
one, yet).
To view the column in it's original form go to page 12 of the following link. Winters Express 7/21/16